The goal of this deck is to use cheap treasure-producing creatures to both power out high-cost threats, as well as buff up smaller creatures as the game goes on. The card that has the chance to break out utilizing treasure is the uncommon legend Kalain, Reclusive Painter. After all, what’s the point of going into a dungeon if there isn’t some treasure on the way? In AFR, creatures and spells gain bonuses on the condition that it’s cost was paid using treasure tokens. While dungeons may be the big new addition to the set, Forgotten Realms features a massive new lineup of treasure-producing spells. Sultai gives the options to add in some counters or removal as the deck needs, making this a very flexible deck to kick-off the Forgotten Realms experimenting. Of course there are plenty of support cards to help speed up the process like Yuan-Ti Malison and Eccentric Apprentice. To push this over the edge, this list wants to add Varis, Silverymoon Range to provide a second trigger of venturing each time Acererak is cast. Acererak the Archlich is obvious star of this list as it provides a way to always venture into a dungeon on turn three. The engine that drives the dungeon deck is the powerful combination of two new legendary creatures. For the first day of Forgotten Realms, it only makes sense to go all in on the latest new card type. Most effects are beneficial, but there are some dangerous areas for those who want to skip ahead through the dungeon. Players can select one of three potential dungeons to explore, with each new room providing a new effect. “Venture into the dungeon” is the newest phrase in Magic, and it looks like it could be one of the most unique mechanics to date. On the first day of any expansion, it’s important to always test out the new spotlight mechanic.